Wednesday 31 May 2017

This levitating incense holder is the best levitating thing on Kickstarter yet

Levitating gimcrackery is perhaps my favorite genre of Kickstarter rubbish, but in recent months I’ve grown tired of the category. All manner of airborne accessories have floated across my desk — from lightbulbs and bonsai trees to clocks and speaker — and it feels like the gimmick is ready to die. But, I’d like to make one last exception for perhaps the silliest, and most enjoyable, levitating item I’ve seen to date: a floating incense holder.

It’s called the Yun, and its Kickstarter campaign is full of wildly optimistic promises about the product’s Zen possibilities. Setting up this so-called “aroma spaceship” (aka balancing the base on a wobbling magnetic field) will help users “focus and concentrate in a mindful way,” say the Yun’s...

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