Wednesday 31 May 2017

Nest cams back from the dead with new home monitoring device

You’d be forgiven for thinking that Nest, the company that so wonderfully disrupted the home thermostat market back in 2011, has been in a moribund state the past couple of years. Its mobile apps haven’t changed, its product lineup has stagnated, and its most notable news of 2016 was the exit of co-founder and CEO Tony Fadell. But today the Alphabet-owned company is making a splashy return to prominence with a new "intelligent" indoor camera called the Nest Cam IQ. Bearing a similar shape and styling to Nest’s signature thermostat, the Cam IQ costs $299 (or $498 for a pair) and will begin shipping by the end of June.

I got to see it behind closed doors during this month’s Google I/O conference, where Nest’s director of product marketing...

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